Pick #2: Miami Marlins (-110) (FanDuel)
We are going to take the Marlins in this early Wednesday matchup. Starts in roughly 10 minutes from this post, so jump on it now...
Marlins are actually winless to start the 2024 campaign and the super awful Angels are just what doctor order for the young Marlin club. Let's not overthink this one...
Marlins win 6 - 1.
BOL to all.....
Pick #2: Miami Marlins (-110) (FanDuel)
We are going to take the Marlins in this early Wednesday matchup. Starts in roughly 10 minutes from this post, so jump on it now...
Marlins are actually winless to start the 2024 campaign and the super awful Angels are just what doctor order for the young Marlin club. Let's not overthink this one...
Marlins win 6 - 1.
BOL to all.....
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